
Sunday, March 15, 2009


Forcing people to believe in a religion or to adopt its forms of belief is completely contrary to the essence and spirit of Islam. That is because according to Islam, true faith is only possible with free will and freedom of conscience.

In the contemporary world, there are people who envisage or support authoritarianism in the name of Islam. However this is a great misconception. Islam is a religion which provides and guarantees freedom of ideas, thought and life. It has issued commands to prevent and forbid tension, disputes, slander and even negative thinking among people. In the same way that it is determinedly opposed to terrorism and all acts of violence, it has also forbidden even the slightest ideological pressure to be put on them:

There is no compulsion in religion. True guidance has become clearly distinct from error. (Surat al-Baqara: 256)

So remind them! You are only a reminder. You are not in control of them. (Surat al -Ghashiyya: 21-22)

Forcing people to believe in a religion or to adopt its forms of belief is completely contrary to the essence and spirit of Islam. That is because according to Islam, true faith is only possible with free will and freedom of conscience. Of course, Muslims can advise and encourage each other about the features of Qur'anic morality. All believers are charged with explaining Qur'anic morality to people in the nicest manner possible. They will explain the beauties of religion in the light of the verse, "Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition..." (Surat an-Nahl: 125), however, they must also bear in mind the verse, "You are not responsible for their guidance, but God guides whoever He wills." (Surat al-Baqara: 272)

Thus true Muslims will never resort to compulsion, nor any kind of physical or psychological pressure. Neither will they use any worldly privilege to turn someone towards religion. When they receive a negative response to what they say, Muslims will reply along the lines of: "To you your religion, and to me, mine" (Surat al- Al-Kafirun: 6)

The world we live in contains societies with all kinds of beliefs: Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, deist and even pagan. Muslims living in such a world must be tolerant of all beliefs they come up against, no matter what they may be, and behave forgivingly, justly and humanely. This responsibility placed on believers invites people to the beauty of the religion of God by means of peace and tolerance. The decision whether or not to implement these truths, whether or not to believe, lies with the other party. Forcing that person to believe, or trying to impose anything on him, is a violation of Qur'anic morality. In fact, God issues a reminder to believers in the Qur'an:

If your Lord had willed, all the people on the earth would have believed. Do you think you can force people to be believers? (Surat Yunus: 99)

We know best what they say and you [O Muhammad] are not a compeller over them. But warn by the Qur'an whoever fears My warning. (Surat Qaf: 45)

A model of society in which people are forced to worship is a complete contradiction to Islam. Belief and worship are only of any value when they are directed to God by the free will of the individual. If a system imposes belief and worship on people, then they will become religious out of fear of that system. From the religious point of view, what really counts is that religion should be lived for God's good pleasure in an environment where peoples' consciences are totally free.

When we look at the history of Islam, the way that Muslims have translated this important feature of Qur'anic morality into the life of society can be seen quite clearly. Since the Prophet Muhammed, true Muslims have always brought with them an atmosphere of freedom and tolerance wherever they have gone. They have enabled people whose religions, languages and cultures are completely different from one another to live together in peace and harmony under one roof, and provided peace and harmony for its own members. One of the most important reasons for the centuries-long existence of the Ottoman Empire, which spread over an enormous region, was the atmosphere of tolerance and understanding that Islam brought with it. Within this multi-national structure, all ethnic and religious groups have been free to live according to their own religions, and their own rules.

Barbarism in the name of religion, that is so preoccupying the world at present, is the work of ignorant and fanatical people, completely estranged from Qur'anic morality, and who have absolutely nothing to do with religion. The solution to these people and groups who try to carry out their savagery under the mask of religion is the teaching of true Qur'anic morality.

Islam and Qur'anic morality are solutions to the scourge of bigotry, barbarism and terrorism, not supporters of it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Let us consider a scientific theory, the Big Bang for instance. This theory was first proposed on the basis of a suspicion and a hypothesis based on Einstein's theory of relativity. Following that, the search began for the evidence needed to prove that this huge explosion happened. This evidence did really exist. The cosmic microwave background radiation confirming the explosion in question was found and the isotopic nature of the universe (the fact that all space is at -270oC) was discovered. It was also scientifically proved that the universe is constantly expanding, and this was another important and definitive piece of evidence confirming the theory in question. Therefore, the Big Bang theory became one whose every claim had been tested, confirmed and thus proved.

Darwin's theory of evolution was also launched under the name of a "hypothesis." (In fact, the reason for the launching of the theory of evolution was entirely ideological, but it was presented under the guise of a scientific theory.) In order for this theory to be regarded as valid, its claims would have to be proved, just like those of the Big Bang. For that it would have to be observed whether or not the imaginary mechanisms of evolution did in fact cause evolution. The progress of 20th-century science proved that "natural selection," Darwin's illusory evolutionary mechanism, played no evolutionary role. The science of genetics also inflicted a disappointment on neo-Darwinists, who had lost hope in natural selection and sought to depict mutation as an evolutionary mechanism instead. Following the realization that mutations had no evolutionary effect either, it was now the turn of the fossil record—Darwin and Darwinists' greatest hope. The conclusion demonstrated by the fossil record, however, came as a terrible shock to Darwinists! None of the imaginary intermediate form fossils that had been sought for so many years existed anywhere on Earth. Deeper research changed nothing. Not one single intermediate form fossil has ever been found as a result of all the research that has been conducted to date.

Unwilling to abandon the false religion they adhered to, Darwinists for years continued to hope that evidence for Darwinism would be forthcoming. But none of the anticipated but illusory evidence ever appeared. Despite this however, Darwinist lies never ended, and pro-Darwinist demagoguery was stubbornly kept up. The interesting thing is that despite the passage of 150 years, the failure to obtain a single piece of evidence, and despite the fact that the conclusion produced by genetics and the fossil record proved the fact of Creation, Darwinists still imagine this false religion can survive. But they are making a terrible error, of course. In fact, even the proponents of the theory are aware that evolution never happened in the history of life. They have clearly seen this as the result of countless pieces of scientific evidence.

Despite all the foregoing, since the theory of evolution is an ideology, a false religion needing to be propped up by its adherents no matter what, Darwinists still need to maintain this false image of their theory having a scientific nature. That is the reason why Darwinists have resorted to fraud, speculation and countless propaganda techniques to keep this false religion alive for the last 150 years. As a requirement of their false religion, Darwinists have no other option to inculcate people with the idea that their theory is "true." Because there is no scientific evidence for the truth of the theory, they try to give the impression that "scientific evidence does exist."

In his book Creative Defense, Nicholas Comninellis from the University of Missouri-Kansas City describes the position in which this terrible deception will find itself in the future:

Philosophically, the dogma of evolution is a dream, a theory without a vestige of truth. Within fifty years, children in school will read of extraordinary popular delusions, and this will be mentioned as one of the most absurd. Many a merry jest will be uttered bearing upon the follies of nineteenth century science.[1]

Comninellis's analysis is an accurate one. The theory of evolution consists of a false claim and the history of the theory is filled with countless examples of fraud. Every claim and piece of evidence produced by evolution is a fraud. The true nature, the true face of all these frauds has been exposed. But the supporters of the religion of Darwinism try to gloss over this or make people forget it. But no matter how much they squirm, the whole world has begun to realize that Darwinist propaganda rests on rotten foundations. As Comninellis says, future generations will be amazed at the global effect of this terrible deception and how it was supported by world-renowned professors and scientists, and will ridicule this enormous irrationality for quite a while.

The Dajjal tried to turn people away from Allah (God) through such false methods. But all his plans have now been thwarted. The method he employed, that is Darwinism, has now begun becoming a subject of ridicule, even for children. The whole world will soon remember the nonsense of Darwinism with horror and shame. This is very certainly a snare from our Almighty Lord, a response to those who would rebel against Him. As He reveals in one verse:

The evil actions they did assailed them. They were engulfed by what they mocked. (Surat an-Nahl, 34)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The cover story of the 7 February, 2009, issue of New Scientist magazine appeared under the caption “Born Believers.” The article, which attempted to correlate belief in Allah (God) with the theory of evolution, which claimed that human beings possess the attribute of belief in Allah through a characteristic inherited from their supposed forebears, and that listed countless Darwinist accounts in order to back that claim up, in fact represented another despairing effort on the part of Darwinists, who have already been comprehensively defeated. The text, which soon received local press coverage as well, attempted to portray the predisposition to believe in Allah from birth as a result of natural selection and, furthermore, made the hollow and irrational claim, on the basis of these accounts, that it developed belief in Allah in the human brain. (Allah is beyond this)
The fact is that this article, shaped by false Darwinist descriptions, is nothing more than a last desperate attempt to resuscitate their failed theory.
Our Lord says in one verse:

We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing. We guided him on the Way, whether he is thankful or unthankful. (Surat al-Insan, 2-3)

Everyone, Believers and Unbelievers, Is Tested in This World

The life of this world has been created as a test of people’s good and bad deeds, and in which the good are distinguished from the wicked. All people at all periods of history have been warned by true scriptures and true prophets, and have come to know the Sublime Power that created them. Everyone with a sound mind is responsible for his actions from the moment he grasps the concept of Allah. And everyone has a responsibility to believe in Allah, Who created them, and to give thanks to and serve the Creator, and everyone is therefore tested throughout the course of their lives.

Therefore, choice in this environment of test is down to the individual’s own conscience. There is evident proof of the existence of a Creator when one looks at the world. All created things make it clear that this sublime Creator is very great and mighty, and capable of doing anything. One’s conscience reveals the truth of this. Everyone who heeds the voice of his conscience therefore submits to Allah, without a moment’s doubt. They understand the secret of the test in this world and live solely in order to earn Allah’s approval.
A child can easily see, of course, that the things he sees around him cannot have come into being by chance and that they were all created by a Sublime and Almighty Creator for a deliberate purpose. Because with a pure mind unpolluted by perverted ideas they quickly realize, despite their youth, that the cats, flowers, sky and friends they see around them could never come into existence by chance. This stems from their looking at the world in an honest manner, free from preconceptions, not as claimed in the article because “they have been conditioned by way of natural selection,” as evolutionists put it, or because they are “searching to believe in supernatural forces.” People who refuse to see this truth that even children can immediately grasp are denying the existence of Allah on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

The Facts That Deniers Are Aware of But Refuse to Admit

Those who deny the existence of Allah are in fact well aware that belief in Allah is not a form of belief manufactured in the brain (Allah is beyond this). All these people know perfectly well that they do not inhabit a random world created by chance, and that such a thing is impossible. They are well aware of the perfect creation in the world, that this cannot be explained in terms of chance, that there is a purpose behind life and death and that the idea of coming from nothing and heading toward oblivion and of a world formed by chance is a truly terrifying one. They are also conscious of the fact that Allah has warned people by true scriptures and true prophets and that they have not been created haphazardly, but are responsible for all their actions in this world.
Moreover, these people have realized that the bright, vivid and lively world around them exists in a space inside their brains no larger than a lentil; that cars, people, countries, the sky and everything are created in this lentil-sized area. Twenty-first century science has proven that they can never have direct experience of the originals on the outside and that they perceive a world that forms in that space the size of a single lentil. They know that it is the SOUL, independent of their bodies, that sees, hears, understands, perceives, speaks, laughs, rejoices and misses. The existence of the soul, an entirely metaphysical entity and under the total control of our Lord, demolishes all accounts based on the idea of absolute matter. AND THIS REVEALS THE ABSOLUTE, DEFINITIVE AND SUBLIME EXISTENCE OF ALLAH, OUR ALMIGHTY LORD.

For that reason, (Allah is beyond this) all suggestions to the effect that belief in Allah is a belief produced by the mind are entirely false and perverted.

The intention behind such articles is this; those who are fighting against belief in Allah are actually well aware of our Almighty Lord’s greatness, might and sublimity. But in order to oppose the increasing turning toward religion across the world they try to give the impression that sacred values are some kind of natural phenomenon. In this way, they attempt to give the impression that there is some validity to the theory of evolution and to the idea that faith consists of information arising in the mind. But in doing this, they are being tested in the same environment as everyone else is being tested.
Our Lord sees and watches them. They will inevitably be faced with the fact of the Hereafter, while claiming that people manufacture belief in Allah in their own minds. At that time, those who deny the existence of Allah and who doubted the existence of the Hereafter, those who thought that “the truth consists solely of the life of this world,” will suddenly realize that their true abode is in the Hereafter. Almighty Allah reveals in another verse:

Allah will judge with truth; and those you call upon apart from Him will not judge with anything at all. It is Allah Who is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (Surah Ghafir, 20)


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